360° Fullser­vice Recycling
Haz­ardous goods transport
Stor­age capacities
Smart Recy­cling
Sec­ond Life Bat­tery supplier
Raw mate­r­i­al supplier

REELEMENTS. The full battery recycling service.

Our services.

We accept and recy­cle these materials: 

  • Cells, mod­ules and bat­tery systems
  • Pro­duc­tion waste, used systems, 
  • End-of-life bat­ter­ies
  • Charged / par­tial­ly charged batteries 
  • Cell com­po­si­tions: NMC, LFP

Our 360° Recycling.

The battery recycling process

REELEMENTS bat­tery recy­cling can be con­trolled indi­vid­u­al­ly. Depend­ing on cus­tomer require­ments, we can adjust the process scope for the mate­r­i­al to be recy­cled. The range of ser­vices includes both direct recy­cling and mate­r­i­al recycling.

REELEMENTS makes the difference. 


In the first step, the film mix­ture is treat­ed such that the anode is decoat­ed. The graphite is dis­solved and removed. In fur­ther treat­ment steps, the cath­ode active mate­r­i­al is removed and the film frac­tions are sorted.

We sep­a­rate NMC with one of the high­est puri­ties in the industry. 

NMC can thus be treat­ed fur­ther much more effi­cient­ly and graphite can also be processed for mate­r­i­al recycling.

In mate­r­i­al recy­cling, we extend our process to include a hydromet­al­lur­gi­cal process step. As a result, the rel­e­vant recy­cled ele­ments have over 99% mate­r­i­al puri­ty and can thus be reused for the entire prod­uct cycle again via raw mate­r­i­al sup­pli­ers for bat­tery manufacturers.