„Recycling is the future. I want to give something back to the world and, at the same time, promote one of the most advanced recycling companies.“
– Robert Jüttner, CEO
“REELEMENTS-Recycling” is our credo for the future. By carrying out research and development on our equipment and processes on a daily basis, we constantly improve the material purity of end products, steadily increase the energy efficiency, and find new applications for our breakthrough technology.
E‑car batteries
Pedelec batteries
E‑Stacker batteries
Large battery storages
80% of CO2 emitted over the life cycle of a lithium-ion battery is emitted during the production process of the materials used. To ensure a long-term sustainable perspective for e‑mobility, REELEMENTS recycles over 95% of materials used back to a pure state of the material. These substances can be supplied back directly to battery production or recycled. Our technology, the shock wave fragmentation process, allows us to directly extract raw materials from a wide variety of sources.